Saturday, 3 April 2010

Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening - Salvador Dalí - 1944

This painting is by Spanish painter Salvador Dalí, it has the lengthy title of Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening and was painted in 1942. What this painting depicts is the dream that a woman is having having just fallen asleep. Below the woman is a small pomegranate that is been pestered by a bee. The dream shows a shotgun pointing directly at the woman this represents the sting of the bee. Then two tigers leaping out of a fishes mouth, the tigers reprsent the colours of the bee, with the scaly body of the fish representing the scaly complex of the bee's eyes. The fish, tigers and shotgun are all leaping out of a much larger pomegranate. Dalí has stated that this was inspired by a dream his wife had, he used the recently discovered theory of Sigmund Freud that dreams are liable to external sightings. I love this painting and how it depicts dream, Salvador Dalí's work is bizarre and unusual and I think that is why it appeals to so many different people.

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